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Issues On Monitoring of Hgin Water and Solution Methods
中文关键词: 地表水  废水    测定
英文关键词: Surface water  Wastew ater  Hg  Determination
齐文启 中国环境监测总站 
孙宗光 中国环境监测总站 
汪志国 中国环境监测总站 
小柳秀明 中日友好环境保护中心日本专家组 
中野雅夫 中日友好环境保护中心日本专家组 
北岛永一 中日友好环境保护中心日本专家组 
摘要点击次数: 1390
全文下载次数: 1967
      利用中日合作(JICA)项目资金, 对测定地表水中汞存在的主要问题, 如水样的保存和处理, 水样的消解, 测汞的冷原子吸收法和原子荧光法等进行了研究。通过对33个环境监测站的样品考核, 发现测定结果与标准值相比, 偏高的数据达75% 以上。 提出了用1%H 2 SO 4 和0.1% K 2 Cr 2 O 7 保存水样最好; 高锰酸钾-过硫酸钾消解法适用于消解含有机物、悬浮物和组成复杂的废水样, 高锰酸钾-硫酸消解法适用于消解被有机物轻度污染的废水, 溴酸钾-溴化钾消解法适用于消解地表水和含较少有机物的生活
      Issuesonthe determination of Hginsurface w ater w as discussed, such asthe maintenance andtreatmentof water samples, digestion of watersamples, cold-vapouratomic absorption method and atomicfluorimetricanalysisof Hg etc. Intheexaminationofsamplesin 33environmentalmonitoringstations,75% ofdeterminationresults werehigherthanthestandard data.It suggestedthatit w as bestto maintain watersample with 1% H 2 SO 4 and 0 1 1% K 2 Cr 2 O 7 , potassium permanganate-potassium persulfate method wassuitablefordigestion ofw astewatersamplesoforganic materials, suspended materialsand materialwith complex component, potassium permanganate-sulfate method wassuitablefordigestionoflow-polluted w astewatersamples, potassium bromate-potassium bromide method wassuitableforsurface w ater, domestic w astew ater withlessorganic materialsandindustrial w astewater. Researchindicatedthatsulfatepotassium permanganae-potassium persulfate method w asespecially suitablefor digestion ofsurface waterand w astew ater. Fortheinfluencingfactorsofdetermination usingcold-vapouratomic absorption method and atomicfluorimetricanalysis method, solution methods w assuggested.
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