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M acroinvertebrate Community Structure and Bioassessment ofUpstream QinhuaiRiver
中文关键词: 大型底栖无脊椎动物  多样性指数  河流生物指数  生物评价  秦淮河
英文关键词: M acroinvertebrates  Diversityindex  RiverbiologicalIndex  Bioassessmen  t QinhuaiRiver
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (30870345, 40971280); 南京农业大学“国家大学生创新性实验计划”基金资助项目
吴东浩 南京农业大学昆虫学系 
刘伟 南京农业大学昆虫学系 
赵煜 南京农业大学昆虫学系 
张哲海 南京市环境监测中心站 
王备新 南京农业大学昆虫学系 
摘要点击次数: 1226
全文下载次数: 1534
      2009年4月用D形网半定量采样法调查秦淮河上游25个点位的大型底栖无脊椎动物群落多样性, 共获得63个大型底栖无脊椎动物分类单元; 其中, 水生昆虫5目12 科30属, 软体动物9科11属19种, 寡毛纲2 科7属9种。结果表明, 生物指数 (BioticIndex,BI) 比 Shannon W iener 多样性指数的评价结果更接近实际情况,BI 与(TN)( r = 0 . 44 ,p < 0 . 05 )和 (NH3 - N)( r = 0 . 40 ,p < 0 . 05 ) 之间显著相关 ,
      Benthicmacroinvertebratesassemblageswerecollected from upstream oftheQinhuaiRiverinA pri,l 2009. A totalof63 m acroinvertebratetaxawere found including30 genera and 12 fam iliesofInsecta, 19speciesand11generain 9 familiesofM ollusca, 9 speciesand 7 generain 2 familiesofOligochaeta. Results showedthatBioticIndex wasmoresensitivetoindicatetheactualsituationofwaterqualitythan Shannon W iener diversityindex did. The Pearsons'correlation analysisshowed thatBIsignificantly corresponded with TN ( r =0 . 44 , p < 0.05) and NH 3 - N ( r = 0 . 40 , p < 0.05), whileShannon W ienerdiversityindex had nosignificant correlationwithTN ( r = - 0 . 19 , p > 0.05) andNH 3 - N ( r = 0 . 44 , p > 0.05). Theresultsshowedthatupper reachesofQinhuaiRiverwere heavily polluted andthe waterquality ofJurong area wasbetterthanthatofN an jing.
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