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The Current Situation and Cause Analysis of Urban Landscape Waters Eutrophication in Xi an
中文关键词: 景观水体  富营养化  营养状态指数法  成因分析  西安市
英文关键词: Landscape waters  Eutrophication  Trophic state index  Cause analysis  Xian
胡世龙 西安建筑科技大学 
纪佳渊 日本东北大学环境科学研究科 
陈荣 西安建筑科技大学 
彭党聪 西安建筑科技大学 
薛涛 西安建筑科技大学 
摘要点击次数: 1333
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      2014年12月—2015年6月连续监测西安市13个主要城市景观水体,并对其富营养化现状及成因作分析。监测结果显示,叶绿素a、总磷、总氮、透明度的测定值分别为1.13 mg/m3~675 mg/m3、0.012 mg/L~3.12 mg/L、0.271 mg/L~25.6 mg/L和0.17 m~1.77 m。通过对比补水水源和水质关系得知,以自来水为补水水源的水体营养物含量最低,天然地表水次之,再生水最高。用营养状态指数法评价水体的营养状态,约68%的景观水体呈现富营养状态,景观水体发生富营养化的5个主要成因依次为:营养物指标、部分理化指标、有机物指标、水体感官性状指标、微量元素指标。
      The quality of 13 major urban landscape waters in Xian was continuously monitored from December 2014 to June 2015, and its eutrophication situation and causes were analyzed. Results showed that Chl a was 1.13 mg/m3~675 mg/m3, TP was 0.012 mg/L~3.12 mg/L, TN was 0.271 mg/L~25.6 mg/L, SD was 0.17 m~1.77 m. By comparing different supplemental water sources and water quality, it showed that the nutrients content of tap water was the lowest, then natural surface water, and reclaimed water was the highest. The assessment of waters trophic state by trophic state index showed that about 68% of the landscape waters were eutrophicated. Five main causes of eutrophication in turn were nutrients index, physical and chemical indexes, organics indicators, sensory properties index and trace elements indicators.
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