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Statistical Research on the Influence of Haze Contaminants on Population Health in Shanghai
中文关键词: 雾霾污染  PM25  门急诊量  广义相加模型  上海
英文关键词: Haze pollution  PM25  Outpatient emergency visit  Generalized additive model  Shanghai
高广阔 上海理工大学管理学院 
王佳书 上海理工大学管理学院 
吴世昌 上海理工大学管理学院 
王亚平 上海玉德医疗科技有限公司 
许鸿蕨 上海市普陀区就业促进中心 
黄东平 上海普陀区人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 820
全文下载次数: 46
      By collecting daily haze pollutant concentration data, the meteorological data, and the outpatient and emergency visits of a hospital in Shanghai from 2013 to 2015, the exposure response relationship between PM2.5 concentration and the outpatient and emergency visits was analyzed, and the impact of PM2.5 on population health was studied. Semi parameter generalized additive model of Poisson distribution was used to control the long term trend, seasonal trend, week effect, meteorological factor and other confounding factors, and fit the exposure response relationship model between PM2.5 concentration and daily outpatient and emergency visits by taking the outpatient and emergency visits as response variables and spline smoothing function. The results showed that the outpatient and emergency visits to respiratory, cardiovascular and dermatology department increased as PM2.5 concentration went up.
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