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Influence of Ecological Revitalization Weight on Evaluation of Rural Ecological Environment Governance
中文关键词: 农村生态环境  生态振兴  环境治理  估量指标  熵权TOPSIS法  路径机制
英文关键词: Rural ecological environment  Ecological revitalization  Environmental governance  Evaluation index  Entropy weight TOPSIS method  Path mechanism
基金项目:2020年四川省社科规划“重点研究基地重大项目”基金资助项目(SC20EZD043);四川文理学院校级科研启动基金资助项目(川文理〔2021〕134 号)
唐学军 四川文理学院四川革命老区发展研究中心 
陈晓霞 中共成都市简阳市委宣传部 
摘要点击次数: 380
全文下载次数: 99
      The thesis compared and analyzed the ecological revitalization of Z city in Henan, J city and B city in Sichuan by constructing the evaluation index system of rural ecological revitalization, which included two subsystems of ecological environment pressure and ecological environmental response, and 13 specific indicators, using entropy weight TOPSIS method. The results showed that the ecological environment response subsystem had the greatest influence on rural ecological revitalization, followed by ecological environment pressure subsystem, and each specific index was reasonable. On the whole, the integrated nearness degree of rural ecological revitalization was excellent in J city, medium in B city and poor in Z city. It was suggested to further strengthen the ability of the government to perform its duties, establish and cultivate rural environmental governance social organizations, and enhance the awareness and ability of rural residents to protect the environment.
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