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Investigation and Analysis of Water Quality in Chongqing-Wuhan Section of Yangtze River Based on Cruise Monitoring Mode
中文关键词: 走航巡测  水质状况  调查  分析  长江干流
英文关键词: Cruise monitoring  Water quality status  Investigate  Analysis  Main stream of Yangtze River
余明星 生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心 
黄波 生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心 
周正 生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心 
张琦 生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心 
朱圣清 生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心 
李名扬 生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心 
王宇霖 生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 599
全文下载次数: 114
      The water quality of Chongqing-Wuhan section of the Yangtze River in 2020 was investigated and analyzed by using cruise monitoring mode, and 38 automatic monitoring parameters in 192 monitoring sites were statistically analyzed and evaluated. The conclusion was that the water quality in Chongqing-Wuhan section of the Yangtze River was good, which all met or exceeded class Ⅲ water quality standards, the concentration of each parameter was not high. The water quality parameters at some sites had obvious peak value,which reflected the impact of potential pollution on surrounding waters to some extent. The concentrations of pollutants in urban river sections,industrial parks,ports, docks and shipping busy waters were relatively high. It was necessary to focus on pollution prevention and control in large urban river sections and other concentrated areas, increase emission reduction efforts,and reduce potential risks of water pollution in the Yangtze River.
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