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Simulation and Optimum Control of Total Phosphorus in Flood Season of Luoma Lake Based on MIKE21
中文关键词: 总磷  MIKE21模型  数值模拟  优化调控  汛期  骆马湖
英文关键词: Total phosphorus  MIKE21 model  Numerical simulation  Optimum control  Flood Season  Luoma Lake
王辉 江苏省宿迁环境监测中心 
雷蕊宇 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所中国科学院大学 
樊冬玲 江苏省宿迁环境监测中心 
范宏翔 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 
摘要点击次数: 522
全文下载次数: 144
      In this study,a two-dimensional hydrodynamic water environment coupling model for Luoma Lake was built based on MIKE21, and the changes in total phosphorus in Luoma Lake were analyzed under different control schemes. The results showed that the R2 of the model ranged from 0.50 to 0.75, with a relative deviation of -2.4%~38.5%, which could simulate the water quality changes at the main national and provincial examination sections in Luoma Lake. Total phosphorus in flood season of Luoma Lake was mainly affected by the upstream water flow. The concentration of total phosphorus in flood season was significant higher than that in non flood season. Reasonable use of flood detention gates could significantly reduce total phosphorus concentration in flood season, and total phosphorus concentration at the national and provincial sections could be reduced by 26%~95%. In the future application, the management department could guide the upstream water out of the lake quickly by dispatching different gate dams, so as to reduce the impact on the lake water. Improving the water quality of rivers into the lake could effectively reduce the total amount of nutrients and pollutants into the lake, and the pollution load of the lake.
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