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Effects of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Hami
中文关键词: 生态系统碳储量  土地利用变化  InVEST模型  PLUS模型  哈密市
英文关键词: Ecosystem carbon storage  Land use change  InVEST model  PLUS model  Hami
金璞珺 新疆农业大学公共管理学院(法学院) 
赵俊 新疆农业大学公共管理学院(法学院) 
阿依吐尔逊·沙木西 新疆农业大学公共管理学院(法学院) 
王志强 新疆农业大学公共管理学院(法学院) 
石晶 西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 320
全文下载次数: 175
      基于InVEST模型评估1990—2020年哈密市碳储量变化及其对土地利用变化的响应,运用最优参数地理探测器模型分析碳储量空间驱动因素,并采用PLUS模型预测2040年生态系统碳储量。结果表明,1990—2020年哈密市耕地、草地、建设用地面积增加,未利用地、林地、水域面积减少,生态系统碳储量共增加3855.93×104t,呈现中间高、四周低的空间分布特征,土地利用与人为干扰指数是主要驱动因素。未利用地向草地转移是碳储量增加的主要原因,生态用地向建设用地和未利用地转移是碳储量减少的主导因素。2040年哈密市生态系统碳储量预测值为50 525.62×104t,伊州区和巴里坤县为未来碳储量主要增加区
      Based on InVEST model, the changes of carbon storage and its response to land use change in Hami from 1990 to 2020 were evaluated. The spatial driving factors of carbon storage were analyzed by optimal parameter geographic detector model, and the ecosystem carbon storage in 2040 was predicted by PLUS model. The results showed that from 1990 to 2020, the area of cultivated land, grassland and construction land increased, while the area of unused land, forest and water area decreased. The ecosystem carbon storage increased by 3 855.93×104 t, showing a spatial distribution characteristic of high in the middle and low in the surrounding areas. Land use and human disturbance were the main driving factors. The conversion of unused land to grassland was the main reason for the increase of carbon storage, and the conversion of ecological land to construction and unused land was the leading factor for the decrease of carbon storage. The predicted value of ecosystem carbon storage in Hami in 2040 was 50 525.62×104 t. Yizhou District and Balikun County were the main areas of carbon storage increase in the future.
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