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Environment Risk Prevention and Control of Groundwater in Hazardous Waste Landfill Affected by Forced Mining
中文关键词: 危废填埋场  污染物迁移  数值模拟  环境风险防控  开采扰动  地下水
英文关键词: Hazardous waste landfill  Po llutant migration  Numerical simulation  Environmental risk prevention and control  Mining disturbanceGroundwater
尹芝华 江苏省环境科学研究院江苏省环境工程重点实验室江苏省土壤与地下水污染防控工程研究中心 
王水 江苏省环境科学研究院江苏省环境工程重点实验室江苏省土壤与地下水污染防控工程研究中心 
柏立森 江苏省环境科学研究院江苏省环境工程重点实验室江苏省土壤与地下水污染防控工程研究中心 
吕良华 江苏省环境科学研究院江苏省环境工程重点实验室江苏省土壤与地下水污染防控工程研究中心 
冯亚松 江苏省环境科学研究院江苏省环境工程重点实验室江苏省土壤与地下水污染防控工程研究中心 
翟远征 北京师范大学地下水污染控制与修复教育部工程研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 356
全文下载次数: 117
      选取某危废填埋场作为研究区域,结合地质及水文地质特性建立水文地质概念模型、水分运动和溶质迁移耦合模型,通过数值模拟手段定量计算并预测渗滤液污染物在地下水中的扩散模式。结果表明,受下游敏感点的强开采扰动影响,污染物迁移速度较快,地下水发生显著“捕获”效应,污染物将在1 987 d左右到达下游敏感区域;模拟期污染羽最大迁移距离为87562 m,超标范围最大可达9 9864m2。基于预测结果,提出建立源头预防〖CD*2〗过程监管〖CD*2〗末端治理的地下水污染风险防控体系。
      A hazardous waste landfill was selected as the research site. A hydrogeological conceptual model and a coupled model of water movement and solute migration were established base on geological and hydrogeological characteristics to quantitatively calculate and predict the diffusion mode of pollutants in leachate in groundwater by numerical simulation. The results showed that significant “capture” effect occurred in groundwater at downstream sensitive sites due to the disturbance of forced mining. The pollutants migrated quickly and would reach downstream sensitive area in around 1 987 days. During the simulation period, the maximum migration distance of pollution plume was 875.62 m, and the maximum range was 9 986.4 m2 above the standard. Based on the prediction results, it was proposed to establish a groundwater pollution risk prevention and control system that included source prevention, process supervision and end treatment.
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