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Impacts of Forestry Ecological Projects on Vegetation Carbon Sequestration in Sichuan toward Carbon Neutrality
中文关键词: 碳中和目标  林业生态工程  植被碳汇  多重高维固定效应模型  四川省
英文关键词: Carbon neutral targets  Forestry ecological project  Vegetation carbon sequestration  Multiple high dimensional fixed effects model  Sichuan Province
邓元杰 四川轻化工大学经济学院农业经济研究中心 
罗洎 四川轻化工大学经济学院农业经济研究中心 
张晓龙 西南财经大学中国西部经济研究院 
易小波 四川轻化工大学经济学院农业经济研究中心 
杨平 四川轻化工大学经济学院 
李兰 宜宾市农业科学院 
侯孟阳 河北大学经济学院 
摘要点击次数: 81
全文下载次数: 21
      基于遥感、气象和统计年鉴数据,对四川省2002—2018年间县域的林业生态工程建设和植被碳汇的时空变化进行分析,采用多重高维固定效应模型探究林业生态工程对植被碳汇的影响。结果表明:四川省植被碳汇在时间上呈波动上升趋势,由1 73756 g/(m2·a)增至1 83689 g/(m2·a),年均增速达034%;在空间分布上,植被碳汇高值集中在川西南山地地区,低值集中在川西北高原地区;在趋势变化上,全省县域的植被碳汇整体呈增长趋势。四川盆地和川西南地区是林业生态工程实施重点地区,累计造林面积占比分别为6144%和2602%。四川省林业生态工程能显著促进植被碳汇的增加,并存在时滞效应。此外,人均GDP、年降水量、年均气温对植被碳汇具有显著正向影响,而人口密度则具有显著负向影响。
      Based on remote sensing, meteorological and statistical yearbook data, the spatiotemporal changes of forestry ecological projects(FEPs) and vegetation carbon sequestration(VCS) in counties in Sichuan from 2002 to 2018 were analyzed, and the impacts of forestry ecological projects on vegetation carbon sequestration were investigated by multiple high dimensional fixed effects model. Results indicated that the vegetation carbon sequestration in Sichuan had a fluctuating upward trend with time, increasing from 1 73756 g/(m2·a) to 1 83689 g/(m2·a), with an annual average growth 〖GK!86mm〗rate of 034%. In terms of spatial distribution, high values of carbon sequestration were concentrated in the mountainous of southwestern Sichuan, while low values were in the northwest plateau of Sichuan. The vegetation carbon sequestration in counties of the whole province showed an increasing trend. Sichuan Basin and southwest Sichuan were key areas for the implementation of FEPs, where the cumulative afforestation area accounted for 6144% and 26.02%, 〖HK〗〖JP〗respectively. FEPs in Sichuan significantly promoted the increase of vegetation carbon sequestration, and there was a time lag effect. Additionally, per capita GDP, annual rainfall and annual mean temperature had significant positive effects on vegetation carbon sequestration, while population density had significant negative effects.
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