基于环境因子的全球主要陆地土壤δ15N分布图绘制 |
Mapping of δ15N Distribution in Major Terrestrial Soil Worldwide Based on Environmental Factors |
DOI: |
中文关键词: δ15N 氮循环 环境因子 随机森林回归 土壤 |
英文关键词: δ15N Nitrogen cycle Environmental factors Random forest regression Soils |
基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(42125103);江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项基金资助项目(BK20220042) |
摘要点击次数: 109 |
全文下载次数: 26 |
中文摘要: |
基于全球812个样点的土壤δ15N与气象、土壤、地形和植被等环境因子数据集,通过随机森林回归算法构建土壤δ15N与环境因子关系的总集和分集模型,对比精度识别最优模型。根据最优模型和环境因子数据,绘制空间分辨率为025°的全球主要陆地自然生态系统土壤δ15N空间分布图。结果表明:总集模型精度为RMSE=163‰,R2=061;基于归一化植被指数(NDVI)分类的分集模型精度最高,为最优模型,平均精度为RMSE=119‰,R2=069;全球主要陆地自然生态系统土壤δ15N平均值为488‰,变化范围为-049‰~1229‰,标准差为174‰。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on a dataset of δ15N in soil from 812 sampling sites worldwide and environmental factors such as meteorology, soil, terrain and vegetation, a total model and sub model of the relationship between δ15N in soil and environmental factors were constructed using random forest regression algorithm, and the optimal model was identified through accuracy comparison. The spatial distribution of δ15N in soil from major terrestrial natural ecosystems worldwide with a spatial resolution of 025° was mapped based on the optimal model and environmental factor data. The results indicated that the accuracy of the total model was RMSE=163‰ and R2=061 The sub model based on normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) classification had the highest accuracy and was the optimal model, with an average accuracy of RMSE=119‰ and R2=069 The average of δ15N in soil from major terrestrial natural ecosystems worldwide was 488‰, with a variation range of -049‰~1229‰ and a standard deviation of 174‰. |
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