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Mapping of δ15N Distribution in Major Terrestrial Soil Worldwide Based on Environmental Factors
中文关键词: δ15N  氮循环  环境因子  随机森林回归  土壤
英文关键词: δ15N  Nitrogen cycle  Environmental factors  Random forest regression  Soils
单阳 江苏省环境监测中心 
王霞 江苏省环境监测中心 
昝麒麟 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 
赖晓明 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 
姜晟 江苏省环境监测中心 
范清华 江苏省环境监测中心 
李娣 江苏省环境监测中心 
李旭文 江苏省环境监测中心 
摘要点击次数: 109
全文下载次数: 26
      Based on a dataset of δ15N in soil from 812 sampling sites worldwide and environmental factors such as meteorology, soil, terrain and vegetation, a total model and sub model of the relationship between δ15N in soil and environmental factors were constructed using random forest regression algorithm, and the optimal model was identified through accuracy comparison. The spatial distribution of δ15N in soil from major terrestrial natural ecosystems worldwide with a spatial resolution of 025° was mapped based on the optimal model and environmental factor data. The results indicated that the accuracy of the total model was RMSE=163‰ and R2=061 The sub model based on normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) classification had the highest accuracy and was the optimal model, with an average accuracy of RMSE=119‰ and R2=069 The average of δ15N in soil from major terrestrial natural ecosystems worldwide was 488‰, with a variation range of -049‰~1229‰ and a standard deviation of 174‰.
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