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Characteristics and Causes of A Typical Particulate Matter Pollution Process in Autumn in Shanghai
中文关键词: 颗粒物  硝酸盐  污染过程  垂直分布  轻型无人机  上海市
英文关键词: Particulate matter  Nitrate  Pollution process  Vertical distribution  Light UAV  Shanghai
张嘉伟 上海建科环境技术有限公司 
王东方 上海建科环境技术有限公司 
林子杰 上海建科环境技术有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 102
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      以上海市2020年10月的一次典型颗粒物污染过程为研究对象,利用轻型无人机在上海崇明东滩进行PM25的垂直观测,结合周边大气超级站监测数据及多模型模拟等对污染期间颗粒物的垂直分布特征及成因进行分析。结果表明:22日11:00 200 m高度以下PM25浓度随着高度的增加而降低,200 m~400 m高度PM25浓度反而随着高度的增加而上升,与400 m处海洋气团的稀释作用减弱且受到周边邻近区域污染排放的影响有关;硝酸盐是颗粒物的首要贡献组分,占比达444%;夜间相对湿度高达95%,颗粒物含水量增长且与硝酸盐增速呈高度正相关关系(R=0928),丰富的水汽含量极大促进了NO2经非均相反应进入颗粒态;二次转化源、生物质燃烧、燃煤源等对二次颗粒物污染起决定作用。
      Taking a typical particulate matter pollution process in October 2020 in Shanghai as the research object, a light UAV was used to conduct vertical observation of PM2.5in Dongtan Chongming,Shanghai, the vertical distribution characteristics and causes of particulate matter during the pollution period were analyzed combining the monitoring data from surrounding atmospheric superstations and multi model simulation. The results showed that at 11:00 on the 22nd,the concentration of PM2.5 decreased with the increase of height below 200 m,and increased with the increase of height between 200 m and 400 m,which was related to the weakening of the dilution of oceanic air masses at 400 m and the impact of pollution emission from the surroundings. Nitrate was the main contributor to particulate matter,accounting for 44.4%. The relative humidity at night was 95%. The increases of water content in particulate matter was highly positively correlated with the increase of nitrate(R=0.928),and water vapor promoted NO2 to enter the particulate state through heterogeneous reactions. Secondary conversion sources,biomass and coal combustion played a decisive role in secondary particulate matter pollution.
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