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Distribution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Farmland Soil around An Industrial Park in Ningxia
中文关键词: 重金属  农田土壤  生态风险评价  工业园区  宁夏平原黄灌区
英文关键词: Heavy metal  Farmland soil  Ecological risk assessment  Industrial park  The Yellow River irrigation area in Ningxia Plain
童晓玉 宁夏大学农学院 
郭静静 宁夏大学农学院 
高瑞丽 宁夏大学农学院 
陈林 宁夏大学生态环境学院 
薛斌 宁夏大学生态环境学院 
高锋 宁夏大学生态环境学院 
摘要点击次数: 46
全文下载次数: 26
      Soil samples were collected from the farmland around an industrial park in the Yellow River irrigation area of Ningxia Plain, the total content and the content extracted by TCLP of 8 heavy metals were determined. The current status of heavy metal pollution in soil was evaluated by comprehensive soil quality index. The results indicated that the average content of Mn,As,Pb,Cd,Cu,Ni,Zn and Hg in soil samples was 6673 mg/kg, 12.31 mg/kg, 24.56 mg/kg, 0.091 mg/kg, 24.32 mg/kg, 29.72 mg/kg, 74.96 mg/kg and 0.050 mg/kg, respectively. Compared with the background values of elements in the soil of Ningxia, there was a certain degree of accumulation, and the closer to the industrial park, the greater the accumulation. The spatial distribution of Hg varied greatly. The total content and the 〖JP2〗content extracted by TCLP of the 8 heavy〖JP〗 metals were both lower than the risk screening values for soil contamination of agricultural land and the international standard with TCLP. At present, the soil in the study area was relatively clean, and the pollution risk of heavy metals to crops was low.
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