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Experimental Study on Water and Salt Transport of Weathering Product of Mirabilite Rock under Different Water Replenishment Modes
中文关键词: 芒硝盐岩风化  降雨入渗  降雨后蒸发  潜水蒸发  水盐运移
英文关键词: Weathering of mirabilite rock  Rainfall infiltration  Evaporation after rainfall  Evaporation from phreatic water  Water and salt transport
尹亚敏 云南农业大学水利学院 
李迎阳 中铁十一局集团第五工程有限公司 
陈进春 中铁十一局集团第五工程有限公司 
孔维博 中国能源建设集团云南省电力设计院有限公司 
李荣亮 湖南省水利水电科学研究院 
彭尔瑞 云南农业大学水利学院 
摘要点击次数: 50
全文下载次数: 15
      Taking the weathering product of mirabilite rock from Jiaozishan Tunnel Project in Heijing, Lufeng, Yunnan as the research object, through field investigation and sampling, soil column simulation experiments were conducted in the laboratory to study the water and salt transport patterns of weathering product of mirabilite rock under three water replenishment modes of rainfall infiltration, evaporation after rainfall and evaporation from phreatic water. The results indicated that under the condition of rainfall infiltration, there was an overall trend of salt moving with water and accumulating downwards. Under the condition of evaporation after rainfall, there was an overall trend of salt moving with water and salt retention after water removal. The migration of salt with water was related to the solubility of soluble salts, soil moisture content and interstices of soil. Under the condition of evaporation from phreatic water, there was a general trend of salt moving with water and accumulating upwards.
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