025-83701931 设为首页 加入收藏
Verification of Aerosol Optical Depth Observed by FY-3 Satellite
中文关键词: 气溶胶光学厚度  风云三号  太阳光度计  验证  长三角地区
英文关键词: Aerosol optical depth  FY-3 satellite  Sun photometer  Validation  Yangtze River Delta
刘智超 蒙东协合新能源有限公司 
王健 国家电投风电产业创新中心 
张鹏 蒙东协合新能源有限公司 
张磊 蒙东协合新能源有限公司 
齐男 蒙东协合新能源有限公司 
汪濙海 国家电投风电产业创新中心 
贺千山 上海市气象局 
摘要点击次数: 362
全文下载次数: 94
      利用长三角地区浦东、东滩、太湖3个测站的太阳光度计CE318地基遥感观测得到的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)数据对风云三号气象卫星FY-3A/B MERSI反演的550 nm波长AOD进行有效性验证。结果表明,FY-3A的反演结果相关系数高于0.96,仅有20%的样本表现出较大的偏差。FY-3B的相关系数最高为0.77,均方根误差(RMSE)最大为0.35。太湖站点的相关系数比浦东大,说明MERSI的反演算法在太湖更适用。FY-3A/B MERSI反演结果总体上偏小,存在一定的系统偏差,主要由气溶胶模型的假设、设备标定、选择像素比例等原因造成。
      In this paper, the validity of aerosol optical depth (AOD) of 550 nm wavelength retrieved by FY 3 meteorological satellite FY 3A/B MERSI was verified by AOD obtained from sun photometer CE318 ground based remote sensing at three stations in Pudong, Dongtan and Taihu Lake in the Yangtze River Delta region. The results showed that the correlation coefficient of the inversion results by FY 3A was higher than 0.96. Only 20% of the samples had a large deviation. The maximum correlation coefficient of FY 3B was 0.77, and the maximum root mean square error (RMSE) was 0.35. The correlation coefficient in Taihu Lake station was larger than that in Pudong station, indicating that MERSI inversion algorithm was more suitable for Taihu Lake. The FY 3A/B MERSI inversion results were small on the whole, and there were some systematic deviations, which were mainly caused by aerosol model assumption, equipment calibration and pixel scale selection.
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