交通干线铅污染对两侧土壤和蔬菜的影响 |
Effectof Lead Pollution from Highwayson Side Soiland Vegetables |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 铅污染 大气 蔬菜 土壤 相关性 |
英文关键词: Lead pollution Air Vegetables Soil Relationship |
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摘要点击次数: 2904 |
全文下载次数: 1460 |
中文摘要: |
为了调查交通干线上汽车尾气的铅污染对两侧土壤和蔬菜的影响, 淮阴市环境监测中心站于 1997年至1998年在宁连一级公路(淮阴段) 选择3个区域, 横穿公路布设3个剖面, 每个剖面设置10个监测点, 对大气、土壤和蔬菜中铅含量进行监测。 结果表明, 大气中铅含量与土壤表层、蔬菜叶片中铅含量正相关, 与深层土壤中铅含量相关不明显。指出交通干线两侧应减少蔬菜的种植, 加大树木和花卉的种植, 同时大力提倡无铅化汽油的使用, 以减少汽车尾气对大气、土壤等环境的污染。 |
英文摘要: |
Fortheeffectsoflead pollutionfrom autoexhauston highw aysonsidesoilandvegetables, Huaiying MunicipalEnvironmental Monitoring Centercarriedoutthelead analyseson air,soilandvegetablesat Nanjing-Lianyungang Highway(section of Huaiying) on 3locations,foreverylocationthere w asasection plane acrossthe highw ay, and forevery planethere were10spots. Theresultsshowedthere waspositiverelationship betweenlead concentrationin air andthelead concentrationsin surfacesoiland vegetableleaves, andthere was noobviousrelationship betweenleadconcentrationin air andleadconcentrationin deepsoil. The paperindicatedthat manshouldlessentheplantingofvegetablesathighways while moreplantingoftreesandflow ers.Itisalso more profitableto use non-lead petrolstolessenthe pollution on airandsoil. |
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